Saturday, January 31, 2009

What. A. Shit. Game. What. A. Shit. Team.

Kari was excellent.

Everyone else was comically, preposterously bad. Preposterous in the literal, etymological sense of the word: cart-before-the-horse, backwards, ass-about-face.

The Czar had a problem, noted during the telecast by Darren Eliot, watching every play and responding to passes. Which is just as well, I suppose, because he's the best passer on the team and no one else seems to have any idea how to accept his passes. This team has a long way to go before it has even half the on-ice vision and awareness required for an NHL game.

Tuomo Ruutu is an asshat, much like his brother. Such a brave, honorable thug, picking on giant bruisers like Toby Enstrom and Slava Kozlov.

Getting shut out is officially standard procedure.

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