Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bogo Likes Toby Because He's A Smiley...Aww

Bogo has another blog

Best part:

"I'm looking forward to playing with Toby for many more years hopefully, because he's a good player and he’s a smiley, goofy kid just like me. He's such a good skater and he's so smart on the ice. He helps me out a lot. He's still young but he doesn't play like it."

Ain't it just so great that these two kids get along?


Mortimer Peacock said...

I'm so glad the Bogonstrom pairing gets along so well. Hell, why even call them by their separates names anymore? They need a single hybrid name a la Hollywood couples: Zachias or Bogonstrom.

Mortimer Peacock said...
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Mortimer Peacock said...

Double posted what what.

Mortimer Peacock said...

Double posted what what.

Mortimer Peacock said...

What the fuck? I keep double posting!!!!

Mortimer Peacock said...

What the fuck? I keep double posting!!!!