Tuesday, March 2, 2010

GAME DAY: Florida Panthers

We've played the Panthers so many times that your Chronicle staff has run out of amusing panther pictures. We've tried Black Panthers, the Pink Panther, even Sex Panther. So today I thought we'd just display a completely unironic photo of that most endangered of species, the Florida panther.

Since they're blowing up their team and trading away just about everybody, would it be too much to ask that we donate one of our many draft picks for David Booth or Nathan Horton?

Hey, how about this wintry winter weather?

Go Thrashers.


Anonymous said...

No Horton, he'll take our players lunch money.

j_barty_party said...

Morty, I think I may have found at least one picture you missed!

Check it out...


GoPuckYourself said...

Avs are shopping Wolski. The Falconer's pleading for it.

Popovic + Army/Kozlov to Colorado for Wolski. DO IT.

j_barty_party said...

According to Kevin Allen, Colby won't re-sign as we suspected.

Sianorah son, enjoy Denver!!

Bring home Wojtek! Get 'er done Donnie!

GoPuckYourself said...

Agreed. Army, Kozlov, and Popovic to Colorado for Wolski and a 3rd rounder. DO IT. DO IT NOW.

GoPuckYourself said...

And I very much enjoy how Bob McKenzie goes on Twitter and publicly bitchslaps Eklund around. It's awesome.

Jared said...

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Good start