Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Thrashers Are Still Playing Hockey

Not sure what happened last night.

Tonight we head to the Isle of Long.

This is important stuff.


Jay said...

After that bounce last night I've come to realize that God hates us. When it rains it fucking pours. At least we can look at it this way, Even going 0-5-2 in the last seven has put this team only, what, five points out of sixth in the Eastern conference.

Mutton Sourdough said...
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Mutton Sourdough said...

Fastforward to about 5:00 for my thoughts on last night's game vs Buffalo.

Anonymous said...

St. Louis fires Andy Murray and we still sit status quo? Unbelievable.

Mortimer Peacock said...


I know what you mean. At this point I'm not sure exactly what I, were I appointed Thrashers Dictator, would do. I don't really think it's Anderson's fault, but who knows? Perhaps the team doesn't respect him/listen to him/whatever.

I think I would waive some people and trade some people.

Mutton Sourdough said...

Ha. I dont have anything to add, but I wanted to say that upon reading the comments section and glancing down at the word verification, the letters are "commi"

Anonymous said...

And down two goals already, with 9 to 2 shots against. Greatttttttt.

We suck, we really, really suck.

Have already started to deaden the pain with alcohol for the evening.

Anonymous said...

Whoah, Thrashers tie it in the 3rd with a PPG from Kovy!

Jared said...

8 straight... god hates us all...

Anonymous said...

Clearly a team full of masochists as they keep inventing new and even MORE painful ways to lose.