Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Tell me where this new installment of "Ten Gallon Dick" is we were promised before Christmas, and no one gets hurt...


j_barty_party said...

Your grandma looks like a lovely woman. I bet she really makes a mean plate of biscuits and gravy!

I think the picture should be of Grossman since he is the one likely holding us hostage with his "gun" of legal advice (greed).

Fellas, let's enjoy these next 3 or 4 home games as they may be the last ones in which Mr. Ko-VAL-chook dons the cobalt blue, or whatever the hell blue we wear.

the jointhead said...

Is Ten Gallon Dick a victim of its own hype?

Mortimer Peacock said...


Just gimme a goddamn minute, jeezus.



j_barty_party said...

No, not a victim of his own hype as he is too soft-spoken and humble. But he is, alas, a victim of our deep & heartfelt love.

GoPuckYourself said...

Jay Grossman looks like a registered sex offender.

Mortimer Peacock said...


Is that a picture of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, packin' heat?

Big Shooter said...

Sorry, Morty. We just need Ten Gallon to ride in and save the day.

Mutton Sourdough said...

GPY - Glad to know I wasn't the only one who expected his rap sheet to include something besides tax evasion and insurance fraud...

Morty - Hahaha... Oh, and you were something like 3 hrs later than the one minute you requested. Such is the price of fame.

See, this is why you guys are the best fakkin blog on the Thrashers.