Wednesday, January 13, 2010

All Thrashers Problems, Solved

Realized last night that the only way the Thrashers can win in regulation is if Rawhide sits with Krisabelle, the Speaker, and your Chronicle staff. A fact, backed up by history.


j_barty_party said...


And it helps if Frenchy drags his ass to the game too! He's 2 for the last 2.

See y'all Thursday, but you may have to join us for the shenanigans that will surely ensue in 318 when you combine my work peeps with TBC peeps...oh snap!

Just think Double Peacock-edness

Anonymous said...

Holy Shit, the win last night was the first regulation win in TWENTY ONE games??? I knew it was long, but one-quarter of the season? Fire Waddell!!

Rawhide said...

Yes...the Rawhide, Mr. Speaker, Krisabelle, TBC "mojo" was indeed the deciding factor in last night's game.

We are a force to be reconded with!