Kovy talked to the media today. What did he say? Click here, and afterwards read the comments section below our previous post for expert commentary from our readers and delirious hallucinations from our staff.
Via indispensable TBC operative "Go Puck Yourself", reliable human reporter Craig Custance has recently spoken to Sharks GM Doug Wilson and thinks there's reason to believe San Jose is in the race.
“We’ve always stepped up and tried to add the pieces – whether it be in the summer and up to the trade deadline. We’ve done both,” Wilson told SportingNews.com. “That’s our commitment to our players, coaches and fans. We won’t waiver from that.”
If Wilson won’t speculate, I will. Here’s why I believe the Sharks have to be considered in the mix. For one, look at Wilson’s history. If an elite player hits the market, Wilson is in the conversation. He traded for Joe Thornton. He traded for Dan Boyle. He traded for Dany Heatley. He traded for Brian Campbell.
Why would Ilya Kovalchuk be any different?
Craig Custance is acting like a blogger.
Okay, so...as of 4:05, no trade. People are still speculating about this and that, Don Waddell has released a statement of some sort (which most of you have already read), and everyone is all "Hey, why'd Kovy bring up his kids? Is it money or geography? How about it, heeengh?"
ALSO: No one from the Thrashers is denying the "ownership held up the talks by 2 months" reports.
It's hilarious just how quickly the Thrashers organization has moved from "he'll be a Thrasher for life" to "DIE YOU RUSKIE SCUM." Not saying that Kovy and his agent-y agent shouldn't bear some of the blame, but it's just laughably obvious the Spirit LLC is trying to save face by painting Kovalchuk as a psychotic greed monster.
Maybe Craigie and Dougie feel real bad for Waddell and they are simply trying to drive up the price for one IVK. At least Craig is doing his part by giving into the madness and delirium.
Exactly. It's infecting us all. God, I really need to get some actual work done. Must step out for a while...
C&C Blogging Factory, pumping out the jams, yo!
Glad I don't actually star my job until next week. I'd be getting absolutely nothing accomplished right now.
GPY - congrats on finding a new job here in Upper Dil, um, I mean, Atlanta. Tough economy so enjoy your last week of unemployment before returning to the grind.
Craig Custance:
"ATL releases statement from DW that confirms 12-year $101 million offer and says they also met his desire to be game's highest paid."
I don't know why, but I still believe Kovy when he says he really would like to play here for the rest of his career. And he may still plan to do that. He's just going to hold out and see if he can make 11 million doing it.
Good for DW putting the last offer on the record. Don't let Grossman imply that the Thrashers never made a serious offer.
I just read the statement. Waddell said we offered that, along with a contract for $10 mil. 7 years, which would have made him highest paid player on an annual salary.
And Razor, it's ok to go ahead and admit he is gone. Don't get your hopes up. If he comes back in July (less than 1% chance I say) just be pleasantly surprised.
I just can't help it, Shooter. I can't let go. Even when he signs a 12 year deal with somebody else, there is going to be some part of me waiting for the NHL to void the deal because somebody had their skate in the crease.
Razor, he's gone. We can quibble over the "prepare for trade" vs "you will be traded", but the horse has left the barn. Along with the goats, cows and rooster.
Waddell is just making this worse than it needs to be by 1) allowing him to practice and 2) expecting him to play Friday night.
That's the part I really don't get.
And what's wrong with 7 years and $70 M? Chances are, Kovy will still be able to get a 4 year deal worth $5 M / year when he's 33 and hockey has left Atlanta, like everyone is so certain will happen. Too many obstacles to moving anytime soon. Especially in a rotten economy. Contraction seems more likely than a move to Hamilton or Upper Dildo, CA.
First the somewhat tense, "Oh, just ask my agent or Don" press conference, and now DW's statement. The divorce is getting slightly messy.
I just want to know, who get's the vacation home in Upper Dildo?
And Speaker, NO WAY he plays in Friday's game. No way. That is just talk now, I think they expect him to be gone by then.
Messy indeed! But who gets the dildo in the split? The Thrashers fans of course!! Ouch.
You're prolly right about Kovy not playing...just putting Kovy through the motions to make him suffer more? But then again, playing him is like not playing cuz all he does anymore is stand around at the blueline! D'oh! j/k
Why ya hate mah kidz???!
Has anyone else noticed my "even more than usual" poor grammar lately? My fingers for some reason have gotten dumber.
I blame Grossman.
One more before I gotta run. This sums everything up perfectly... from Friedman twitter machine:
FriedmanHNIC Two other reactions: 1) This is why you never let a franchise player reach the year before UFA, 2) Kovalchuk should have been more honest.
Two very important questions have come out of this day:
1) How will these recent developments affect the denouement of the saga of Ten Gallon Dick
2) Will Morty somehow figure out a way to work Upper Dildo into the script or at least use a dildo the same way he utilized a talking cayote as Nik's personal advisor?
Perhaps the discovery of a dildo in one of the rooms of Jimmy Slater's hotel will serve as a prophecy of what terrible tragedies will befall the town of Thrasherville!
Wow. Just saw DW's statement. I LOVE that he went public with this...just wish it was AFTER a trade goes down. Publicizing and confirming offers made is going to confirm to every other team just how much it'll cost to sign Kovy.
Personally, I think this hurts any return we're going to get on a Kovy deal.
GPY, you may be right on that point about it hurting the potential trade value. Hopefully the fact that there are several teams interested will drive up the price as a rental and mitigate the effects of outing Kovy's agent. I think DW is betting on the fact that he knows the majority of teams are too close to the cap to really make a run at Kovy even in FA this summer. Most of the top 20 teams in P/R are currently within $7 M of the cap after bonus relief. I think Kovy's in for a rude awakening if he's not prepared to go to the KHL.
I'm crazy, but I say he resigns with the Thrashers before Friday's game. It's not at the point of no return right now, but it's getting close. Waddell coming out with the contract number is basically making Kovy look like a lying, greedy bastard who had no intention of signing with Atlanta. If he is a man of his word and said he wants to play his entire career with the Thrashers, he will sign now.
I now consider our organization to be a complete and total dumpster fire, with decision-making and logic that makes the Clippers ownership look like the Rooney family (Steelers owners.)
Why would any other UFAs want to sign here if DW's just gonna go public with their negotiations?
Fucking pathetic. All of this.
It should have never been allowed to get to this point. Never.
I think DW is lobbing dildos at Grossman as opposed to wanting to make Kovy look like a criminal. This is a rare situation. And it's so much different from Hossa in that he is the "face of the franchise", so I think Don is trying to save some face. But at the same time I think he is trying to smoke out Grossman for what he is. And who could blame him at this point? He's probably going to lose his job finally. Oh wait, this is the ASG we're talking about. But the point stands: Grossman looks like the next victime on "To Catch a Predator".
EDIT: not victim...next perp to become a victim of the sting!
I bet Grossman even has a vacay home in Upper Dildo, British Columbia or wherever it is.
DW will use Kovy to lure Grossman into one of those "To Catch a Predator" scenarios.
"What were planning on doing here?"
"I was just coming over to talk, honest."
Needless to say, the episode will take place in Upper Dildo, the future home of the Thrashers.
Double D-"Kovalchuk and his agent will meet shortly to discuss situation. Nothing new. Kovy will continue to practice and play."
So what are they going to talk about then?
Kovy-"Man, it sucks being so greedy, right Jay?"
Jay-"Dude, I was just thinking the same thing. Hey, I don't look like a sex offender, do I?"
Wow, that was funny GPY!! I've extracted a lot of fun and laughter from this tragic series of bombshells that have been dropped on Thrashers fans yesterday and today. I must say the TBC blog may be the best form of sports fan therapy in the entire universe. Thank goodness.
I don't know if I can get behind the Upper Dildo Thrashers. But I'm used to getting a raw deal from this cluster-fuck of a franchise.
Norm Green > AS, LLC
Never thought THAT would happen, but Norm is no longer the shittiest NHL owner ever.
Upper Dildo, Newfoundland
Bold prediction:
If Kovalchuk is still on the Thrashers come Saturday and plays against Florida he will get a hat trick and then look up to Waddell's box with his arms open and a look on his face that says "Well...?"
Based on Kovy calling out Crosby and waiving his arms after kicking McCabe's ass last year this might not be that bold of a prediction. It would be classic Kovy, though. He will be missed.
Very rarely do I get this frustrated, but I've had enough.
Fuck this shit. I'm gonna go watch a shit ton of British movies and take a shot every time someone says "Fuck off!"
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