So tonight MIGHT be the final night of the 2010 Stanley Cup Finals, and you are all invited to come to this very spot circa 8:00 PM Eastern time and witness the Chronicle engage in a fit of mild-to-severe live-blogging.
Of course, it may not, and probably will not, end tonight. In fact I'm predicting the Flyers live to fight another day. But because there's an off chance we see a new Stanley Cup god-king crowned tonight, we want you and your cocktails here, for the Love-Blogging.
UPDATE: Wahahahah what a moron. The game is actually TOMORROW night, so join us then, I think. I can't be expected to keep up with this "time" stuff.
You're right, the series won't end tonight, because the game isn't played tonight. It's played tomorrow.
My, how the mighty Chronicle is falling as of late. Big Shooter is away much of the time due to work and other circumstances and the place just goes to shit.
Perhaps someday soon I'll be able to ride into town much like Sean Connery/King Richard to clean this place up.
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