Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dudley Scuttlebutt

Interesting thoughts from Elliotte Friedman in his weekly "I have thought of 30 things column". Which clearly puts down Jeff Schultz and his weekly "Look at me, I can think of 10 things blog (emerges from his office, looks down at his loafers and adjusts belt, nods silently and goes back to office)".

Money thoughts from Elliotte:

25. The Rick Dudley/Don Waddell job change was a paper move. Inreality, Dudley had been making the hockey decisions for quite some time.

26. Hockey is a brutal business: Waddell had to fire his college roommate, SteveWeeks, as part of the housecleaning.

27. Dudley is very close with Chicago assistant John Torchetti, but word is he probably won't be theThrashers next head coach. John Stevens would be a good fit, since the GM wants a young guy who can grow with the team.

And now we know why Steve Weeks has been our goalie coach for the past 10 years and never got fired. Nice gig, Stevie. Nice gig indeed. Didn't we do a post a while back about how Waddell mainly hired friends of his instead of, perhaps, the best man for the job? I have no idea where to dig it up but it's in there somewhere kiddies. Once again TBC is all over it. And now, you are allowed to get back to re-reading the saga of Ten Gallon Dick. As you were...


CaptainStefan said...

Like I've been saying since the shake up, Stevens would be my choice for bench boss.

Big Shooter said...

Not a bad choice at all. I'm partial to MacT due to being an Oilers fan and the fact he is the coolest SOB this side of Ten Gallon Dick, but Stevens might be my second pick.

Mortimer Peacock said...

Steve Weeks was DW'S COLLEGE ROOMMATE? Good lord. That's the most damning thing I've heard all week.

Mortimer Peacock said...

P.S. Dudley scuttlebutt, Budley scuttledutt, scuttley diddlebutt, etc.

Big Shooter said...

Biddley Ducttlesutt

Mortimer Peacock said...

Skiddleydoo Bamblefink. That sounds like a Dickens character.

Big Shooter said...

Skinamarinka dinky dink, Skinamarinka doo, I love you...

Wasn't that song written by LeVar Burton or something?

Mortimer Peacock said...

He sang it on Star Trek, and then read a story about manatees.

Big Shooter said...

Take a look, it's in a book...

(I think it may be a LONG offseason if this is where we are after one week)

Mortimer Peacock said...

Friends to know, and ways to grow, a reeeading rainboooow...


Big Shooter said...

Butterfly, in the sky,
I can go, twice as high...

Razor Catch Prey said...

Wow. Did the offseason hit me this hard when I was single, too?

Big Shooter said...

Pathetic excuse to tell the entire internets world you are engaged, really.

IIIIIIII caaan beee annnnyyyythhinnnggg...

take a look, its in a book...

A reeeading rainbow.
A reeaddinnnggg raaaainnboooowwww!!!

Mortimer Peacock said...

You know who ELSE was engaged? LeVar Burton himself, that's who! Still married, too.

He's also an avid poker player and can be followed on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LEVARBURTON

Big Shooter said...

He apparently also is in a lawsuit with a grocery store over a $2,000 debt. See here:


Most likely the grocery store tab piled up due to him being married and all with a honeydo list from the lovely Mrs. Burton. Man, all they wives with they honeydo lists and whatnot.

Mortimer Peacock said...

AHAHAHAHAHA. LeVars is all, "C'mon babe, you're breakin' my balls. MY BALLS, honey. Broken."

GoPuckYourself said...

It would appear as though TBC's enjoying itself on 4-20 quite immensely.

Mortimer Peacock said...


"Mary Jane
In the rain
Is too wet,"
Said the vet.


I actually just found our public scourging of DW for just this dastardly cronyism you mention: http://bluelandchronicle.blogspot.com/2009/01/waiting-for-bigger-axe-to-fall.html

j_barty_party said...

All of this poetic rambling is quite DASTARDLY...and I've enjoyed this steady stream of nonsense thoroughly. Almost as much as Rick Dudley's insane fro-like raccoon-nesting hair!

What would Ricky Barnes say?

Razor Catch Prey said...

So for 10 years we have had a goalie coach who was apparently telling all of his goalies "whatever you do, DON'T STRETCH OUT YOUR GROIN BEFORE PLAYING!" Thanks, Don.

Maybe if he'd been fired after the first few years Bob Hartley could have brought Patrick Roy in as goaltending coach.

krisabelle said...

skinamarinky dinky dink... Damn you, Shooter. Now this is going to be in my head for DAYS.

Mortimer Peacock said...

Godammit Ricky Barnes! Git back in yr dog kennel son!

j_barty_party said...

After watching that, I don't know what to say other than ARRRRGH.

Although it would be really funny seeing Bob Hartley sing that in his choppy French Canadian accent.

Nemesis said...

Wow! I'm speechless, just speechless! HAPPY 420 DAY Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ricky Barnes said...

I'm so sorry Step-Pa!! Jus daw beat me no more.