So, I heard there is this really big game tomorrow night. In an effort to help fill the arena, I have two seats in the 400 section that I will give away for the free to the first person that comments with their e-mail address included in the comment section and tells me who the 2nd ever Captain of the Thrashers was. Tickets will be e-mailed to you tonight if you comment before 5:00, or first thing tomorrow morning if it is later than that.
And just like that, the first ever Blueland Chronicle free shit give away was over before it ever started (well, 11 min after it started). Congratulations to GNOME for winning the prize. Surely this will be the answer to a trivia question one day...
M. Peacock adds: TBC reader Andrew is also offering a free ticket to tomorrow night's epic squid-whale-tyrannosaurus rex fight. Click here and scroll down to the comments for details.
THAT was quick! They will be on the way shortly...
Big Shooter is a goddamn national treasure.
Thank you, thank you. Only the best for the sexiest damn blog readers out there in that big internets world!
By the way, tickets were just e-mailed. Enjoy the game and be LOUD!
Be loud? I think I can accommodate that!
Nice. We have a rightful winner!
Uh, that reminds me, how does a T-Rex manage to get on top of a whale's back in the middle of the ocean?? Can't imagine those short arms are very good for swimming.
Squidz are scary.
Speaking of things that are scary, how does a Zdeno Chara stay on skates? Isn't his head too heavy for him to remain balanced on two thin blades of steel?
PS - Don't forget to contribute to the BC's "bribe GPY's coworker" campaign so he can attend tomorrow night's big pugilistic affair.
Is this the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?!?!?!?!
Speaker-Thank you for your thoughts, but it's not to be. However, I will be there with beers in hand raking up the Leafs on Thursday.
And if any of you TBC degenerate fools are ever in the Morningside area, come see me at Rosebud and give me all your money. All of it. Even those funny looking foreign coins in the bottom of your drawer.
Seriously, you people better go batshitfuckingcrazy tomorrow. If one of you doesn't go to jail, the night's been a failure.
But I don't wanna go back to jail...
Insert your own Upper Dildo joke here.
Huhuhuhuh, he said insert... Heeeeeyyyyyoooohhhhh!!!
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