Sunday, February 28, 2010


Amazing, slightly agonizing game. Amazing tournament for the United States.

Congrats to the Canadians, and my what a stellar rendition of "O Canada."

I won't be able to handle anything this dramatic for a while.


j_barty_party said...

Well said Morty! Despite the result, twas a great day for hockey. Epic battle and exhilirating finish. Just not the desired result here south of the 49th parallel or whatever it is.

Too bad I missed most of it hacking a golf ball into lakes, streams and creeks. Actually, it was Camp Creek every freakin' time!! That's what I get for playing from the tips the first round of the season!!

One day of mourning and then it's LET'S GO THRASHERS!!!!

PS - Morty, did you DVR it? My DVR effed up and deleted it when I attempted to keep it going for the medal ceremony. Eff me!!

tjm said...

Get ready to handle something this dramatic…The Thrash are still in the hunt. IT’S ON NOW!!! Screw the Olympics it’s all about the ATL now! PLAYOFFS OR BUST!!! DO IT THRASHERS!!!

Jay said...

I'm going to miss Curling. I wish I was joking. Cheryl Bernard is a total MILF. Olympic Hockey is ok, but I'm all about the Thrashers. We have to make the playoffs. I want New Jersey and Kovalchuk. Bad.

Razor Catch Prey said...

Jay- google image search Erika Lawler from the US women's hockey team. As far as I can tell she's the only attractive one on the team, but damn. 4'11", cute as hell, and an Olympic caliber hockey player (and captain of the Wisconsin Lady Badgers's team).

Jay said...

Razor-OMG, she is adorable. I actually don't think Angela Ruggiero is too bad. Sometimes she looks good, sometimes not so much. It just depends.