Wednesday, February 10, 2010

O Darren Eliot's Prophetic Soul: Things to Do in Denver When You're on the Teevee

The Thrashers played a damn good game tonight. Until the third period, that is.

Can't help but be pleased with Niclas "The Young Markus Naslund" Bergfors, Bryan "I AM Somebody" Little, and Nik "Nik Antropov" Antropov.

Trouble is those pesky standings.


During the first intermission, Darren Eliot welcomed the TV audience back from a commercial break with the tagline/somewhat obscure pop culture reference "Things to do in Denver!" I was a bit startled. He didn't complete the line, as is the color commentator's wont when they're engaged in their usual stream-of-consciousness word jazz, but I was surprised he even referenced what he was referencing: a film that is arguably the greatest Andy Garcia film in human history, but one with a baleful title. Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead.

UPDATE: Thanks to secret Chronicle music operative "John," I now know that "Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead" is a Warren Zevon song. Big Shooter will be so disappointed in me. My point about being dead still stands, though.


Wayne stuck in AL said...

You mean someone actually listens to the telecast instead of Dan Kamal?

Jay said...

I have the Center Ice package and listen to a lot of team's announcers and I have to say that McConnell and Eliot are one of the better ones around. Not overly homerish and I find Eliot to be very informative. Kamal is God, though.

John said...

Who knows? Maybe he was referencing the deep Warren Zevon cut of the same name...

Mortimer Peacock said...

Ha! Well I'll be. I'm sure the movie was named after the Zevon song. Big Shooter will now behead me for not knowing the entire Warren Zevon catalogue.

Big Shooter said...

I leave the beheading up to my good friend Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner. Time to get on another Zevon kick. Right now.

Big Shooter said...
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