Given, I am a bit biased here, because I am a huge Star Wars geek. Did you watch How I Met Your Mother this week? I'm a bigger SW geek than Ted and Marshall and Kevin Smith combined. So when Martin Gerber unveiled his new Darth Vader goalie mask, he instantly vaulted back into my top 10 favorite players, despite the fact that heplays for the hated Kansas City Senators.
Word is Ovechkin has vetoed Jose Theadore's Hello Kitty mask, and they're back to the drawing board.
EDIT FROM YOUR FRIEND MORTIMER PEACOCK: Since Razor can't make the image-creating capabilities of the blogging life work, it's up to me (I once stayed in a hotel room in San Francisco) to introduce (Rachel Maddow, total lesbian, on TV right now; I'd do her; I'm so crunk right now) this thing:

Things look blurry when you're crunk.

I still don't know how to add pictures. I feel bad. I feel shame.
Just click the little thing that says add image.
You should feel shame.
Razor, do we need to have a Blogger Remedial Learning Class?
I'm kidding man, I LOVE YOU, Republican fascist that you are. I'm so drubnk right now its not even funts/ funy/ funy.
Wait a minute, I'm the one that has all the moonshine... shouldn't I be drunk?
mY FIREND came over and we've gone thorugh luike 18 bottles and pounds of milller arthur and ryuan miller high life. It's sad/
Motry take control and get the fucking picture up! You can edit our posts!
So a black helmet is awesome?
The black helmet is his old one. Apparently the Sens fans (Probably Jerry) started calling him Vader because of it. That one little side-by-side picture up there shows the new one that actually is painted with Vader's mask.
Are you referring to our trip to Ottawa Razor? I thought that guy was named Jimmy...
Who knows, Shooter? There was A LOT of booze that night.
Can't leave it at 13...
That "insert picture" button wasn't labeled, and I'd never scrolled over it to see what it was for. Maybe now I can finally start adding some "flair" to my posts. Still got to figure out links, though. The little HTML I remember from college/work isn't serving me well.
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