(again, photo and production design credit to BWA Aaron)
Scene 4
(Ten Gallon, Deputy Colby, and Little Little are riding their horses down the main street of Thrasherville at a slow pace. A blonde lady in a scarlet dress waves at them from a balcony at the Philips Hotel. Deputy Colby acknowledges with a nod, Little Little tips his hat, Ten Gallon looks at her briefly but doesn’t respond. They pass the blacksmith’s shop. The proprietor, or blacksmith, is a feller named Johnny “the Wolf” Anderson. He’s a grizzled old cuss, with a seen-it-all look in his eyes and an impressive walrus mustache, but he retains his blonde hair and some measure of youthful vigor. He nods at our heroes as they trot past. Our trio nods back.)
Reckon how long it’s been since Old Man Anderson came to Thrasherville?
I ain’t sure, but he’s always had that you-neek system of blacksmithin’. (whistles) Boy, it’s risky, but it damn sure gets results, I’ll tell you what!
(By and by the boys come to the train station. This, clearly, is where they’ll pick up the men they keep calling “empyreans.”)
I really don’t see why we need these empyreans. Thrasherville is already overrun with ‘em. If it were up to me---
Shut your trap Deputy, and that’s an order.
Can sheriffs order people around, like in the military?
Little man, you sure got a lot to learn about life with Ten Gallon Dick.
Scene 5
(Back on the train with Max, Nik, Pavel, and Nik’s coyote)
Don’t you think you might get kicked off the train for carrying around this coyote?
They know not to mess with me or him. I’ve been around the railroads long enough to...shall we say...cultivate certain interests.
(clearly a bit shocked) You are involved with the railroad racket?
Well, it is not a racket. It’s more a---
(Maxim interrupts him in Russian, and Nik responds in kind. The two grow more intense and rail at each other in Russian for a moment. Pavel looks back and forth at them before interrupting)
Wait wait wait! What is this about?
This man is involved in some shadowy business practices.
(Nik sits silently, picking his teeth with a toothpick and and contemplating his fur hat, which he’s set down on a short table next to the window)
Now now, gentlemen. We are newcomers to a strange new town. Outsiders, all of us. We need to stick together and mustn’t impeach one another’s characters like this.
(arms crossed, and thoughtful for a moment) You’re right. I apologize, Mr. Nikolai.
(slight nod) Accepted.
So...what are the financial problems of this coyote?
It’s too complicated to explain briefly, I’m afraid.
I see.
I’ve been helping him out a bit, and the reason I decided to come to Thrasherville is that I’ll be receiving a pretty penny from a rancher there. That’ll make more money to help Misha here out.
(Nik pulls out some tobacco and rolling paper. He rolls a cigarette for himself, then pulls a pipe out of his coat pocket. He dabs some tobacco into the pipe, and offers it to Misha the Coyote. Misha eagerly accepts, and sits upright next to Nik puffing away.)
A pipe-smoking coyote from the American West named Misha. Who could imagine such things?!
I must admit I’ve seen stranger.
Like what?
(suddenly a bit distant) Oh, I don’t know. Remind me to tell you some of my stories sometime. Perhaps even over brandy tonight in the bar.
So what brings you to Thrasherville, Maxim?
Well...I more or less got an offer from the Russian sheriff over there. He wants me to join his force. Not as an actual policeman, understand, but as an analyst, a...a...
Sort of, yes. Yes, a detective.
(Maxim turns and looks out the window at the rolling cacti and red rock. Nik and Misha continue to smoke. Nik offers Pavel a cigarette, which Pavel declines.)
Hm. I see the Internet is empty today.
Well, it looks like the Thrashers uninspired and pathetic road-trip has driven away its loyal and faithful supporters. At least we have the unfolding saga of Ten Gallon Dick to keep us on the edge of our seats!!
Having said that, let me just say "Bravo!" Well done once again...I am captivated by this story and can't wait for more. I enjoyed the latest two scenes sitting on a runway in Fort Lauderdale and could not post a msg. We are back in ATL and we are not much more tan than before but we are both quite exhausted from the travel. Peace, pucks and grease-y goals, that is.
~the Speaker
Aw! Look at Little Little! Adorbs. Another nice picture by Aaron the PhotoShop Kingpin!
Nice work on the saga, Morts! Reading the next entry now!
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