The AJC sez:
The ruling, issued Monday afternoon, tossed out the initial purchase and sale agreement to buy out Belkin and keeps him in the partnership as a minority owner. The partners are now placed back in precisely the same position they were in before August 2005.
These people, man, these goddamn people...
I just can't figure out why everyone is calling it a victory for Atlanta Spirit: we're all right back where we started from and Belkin is not moved. The only thing I can see to the Spirit's benefit is that if Belkin wants to leave, it will cost less to buy him out.
From the way I came to understand the reason why this is such good news is because before Belkin and any dissenting directions he wanted to take was enough to block any decisions made by the entire group. Now he's only a member of the group and if the majority of the group want to do a certain thing he can't block their ability to do so, therefore, he's now just a minority member who basically pays his dues and shuts up. This of course is just where he should be.
This is very good news for the Thrashers. It opens up possibilities for a final resolution of the issue, and in the meantime it keeps Belkin from nixing any big move we want to make.
On a related note, it's interesting to see not only the predictable quotes from Canadians on the TSN article about this matter, but also the "Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down" numbers for them. Apparently it's not just a vocal few Canadian dreamers who want Southern Hockey to fail, but also the silent majority of hosers. Any comment that basically says "Atlanta sucks and should move to Canda" has lots of thumbs up. Any comment along the lines of "Actually, this should help the team improve and by the way naming rights to Philips Arena are tied to the team remaining in Atlanta so they're not going anywhere" gets lots of thumbs down."
I know...I read the same article and actually put a blog post on my new blog Fanthrashtic
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