Our beloved tweety birds fly up to the big NYC for a game tonight against the Rangers. Tonight's game, in my opinion, is secondary to what ESPN is reporting will take place in an office in New York. The Czar has a scheduled meeting with his agent to discuss the offer from the Thrashers. As ESPN points out, the time has come to decide, one way or the other, what Kovalchuk's intentions are. Money quote:
Kovalchuk has a meeting with his agent, Jay Grossman, on Monday in New York, which the Thrashers hope will help nudge the team captain into a decision. Grossman and Thrashers GM Don Waddell spoke again Thursday.
This much is clear: If he hasn't signed an extension and January is upon us, the Thrashers will finally begin the process of opening him up to the trade market. That doesn't mean they'll deal him at that point, but it means Waddell will begin his due diligence just in case.
Perhaps that is today. Perhaps this week. Perhaps just after the holidays. But the time is soon.
I've heard a few rumblings lately about Kovy's play. Defensive liability and so on and so forth. Mr. Speaker, K-Belle, and myself exchanged a few thoughts on this subject at the game on Saturday. I believe Speaker said Kovy wasn't helping the team and needed to get off the ice. I proceeded to laugh at the so- called "Speaker of the Truth" and called him crazy. K-Belle, sticking up for her man, laughs at me. Kovy then proceeds to score the game winning goal in overtime. Once again, Big Shooter has the last laugh!!
The point being, even when he struggles, Kovalchuk can change a game all by himself. That is something that cannot be replaced. It amazes me how quickly people like to point out when Kovy is struggling, yet when the big time goals come rolling in it is like they are expected and taken for granted. Oh well, where was I? Ahh yes, the contract...
Just sign the damn thing already so we can get on with our business!
But you can't drop hot rap lyrics like the Speaker! Bladow!
Oh snap.
Ha! No, I most certainly cannot. I spend too much time in the mirror working on my eyebrows as opposed to working on my rap lyrics.
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Hooray! No more pussyfooting around!
This sounds great in theory -- I mean why else would he need to go to Grossman's office to discuss a deal that can be handled on the phone or via fax, e-mail, etc? -- unless they are going to completely re-evaluate their strategy for calling Waddell's bluff in January.
But if Kovy is true to his word that he doesn't worry about specifics and he simply worries about hockey, then perhaps he will leave Grossman's office as the NHL's newest $9 M / year man. Regardless, if DWad really wants to get this done, he has already promised to offer Kubina an extension of 2-3 years and promised to offer Max a 2 year deal after January 1. Wouldn't it be a great Christmas gift to get this deal done in the next week?!
Eventhough I apparently hate Kovalchuk based on Shooter's comments above...talk about your mis-representation!!
Nothing personal Mr. Speaker of the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I throw all my friends under the bus at some point!!!
All for a schemin', dirty, money-grubbing Russian! I see how it is.
Time to cancel the order of Christmas bourbon balls!
I take it back! I take it all back, ever word!!
Hey, we need to have another bowl off before the new year.
If he signs tonight I don't see the announcement before casino night though. D-Wad loves his surprises and that's his favorite forum to unveil them.
He might not want to wait that long. The longer it goes the more questions come and it could start to wear on the team. They have a lot of important games coming up and you would think they would want to keep any unneccessary distractions out of the locker room. Just my two cents.
I agree with Jay. As much as DW loves surprises, the signing of Kovy is a flare in the sky to wayward Thrasher fans to return to Philips Arena.
I think he skates out before the game on Thursday and does a ceremonial signing at center ice.
...Then he skates over, puts his arm around two ice girls, looks in the camera and says "I am Tiger Woods."
Oh, and Shooter doesn't always throw his friends under the bus. Sometimes he throws them onto a mechanical bull.
I agree with Jay as well. Why wait with the announcement if the deal is done? DWad should be ready to streak down Marietta St naked and shouting hosannas in the highest till the cops tackle him. The certainty of knowing that comes with it means more now than it will on January 10th. I'd much rather celebrate with the players after winning 9 or 10 of the next 14 than losing those 9 or 10 only to find out Kovy has finally decided to put pen to paper in early Jan. We can't afford to fall back to .500 if we want to get into that playoff tourney.
Shooter, as for bowling, bring it on king pin...we'll see if you can back up your performance of a life-time sooner than later. Next time, I'll have even more bourbon and you'll be in big trouble!!
I agree with Jay, the moment ink is on the paper, we will know about it (I hope).
Razor - You got on that mechanical bull on your own. All I did was tell the guy to turn it up to the highest level. Is it really my fault that you broke your wrist? You may have broken a wrist, but I bought you a beer.
Speaker - It is on.
I agree with you that I want the announcement as soon as possible... and maybe he will be sensible about not holding on to it...but management types do some weird shit sometimes.
If he does sign tonight say..and Waddell decides to announce before casino night I think it still wouldn't come about before this weekend's game with the Devils...why not wait until a weekend game with a big home draw to tell the news..that is if it doesn't leak before hand.
I read the ESPN article about it. No reason he personally meets with his agent unless it's in the very final stages. I imagine the holdup is to make it cap friendly. Would not even be surprised if it's a 12-15 year deal worth $110 million or so with the last three to five years being league minimum salary. Kovy can't have his cake and eat it too. If he wants a MAX contract, then expect to play on an also ran because they can't afford much else. If you want to genuinely win, then sign for a bit less and give the team some room to sign the neccessary parts to surround you with. I'm starting to feel better about the situation. Although, it would be interesting to see what the Thrashers could get for him. I'm not saying I want to trade him, I'm just curious to see what he could fetch.
I've heard of Ilya Kovalchuk.
Come on, you can admit it now. You're really Jay Grossman, aren't you?
Damnit, you guys caught me. The major hangup with Kovy's contract is that he wants full ownership of the Blueland Chronicle and Waddell told him he can have whatever money and years he wants, but for the love of God, leave the Chronicle alone. He has to take a stand somewhere. None of you would be German, would you?
Hmmm...have to admit I would consider selling. Maybe the Czar will let me stay on as Editor Emeritus or something.
Nice one on the signing at center ice comment, RCP!! That would be dreamy!
"You see this jacket I'm wearing, you like it? Because I don't really need it, because I'm cloaked in failure!"-Jerry Maguire
Where's Bob Sugar when you need him?
PS: Sitting between Speaker and Shooter at a game is like straddling the Kovalchukitudinal Divide!
PPS: Bowling rematch is on, beefquakes!!! I've been drinking milk. 'Nuff said, hoebags!
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