The team played with confidence tonight. And goals. And they even killed every penalty, of which there was an excess because of hot-headed Eric Boulton. I was worried he'd lose Kari the shutout.
The Czar's goal was classic Kovy, a hellacious blast from the point. He looked so happy!
How about that Jimmy Slater? Finest player of the night, I say, aside from Lehtonen and the Czar.
Probably the best game of the season so far.
The Devils are hilarious.
Waddell still needs to go-FIRE SALE -WADDELL FOR FREE
Hopefully this leads to something good instead of the win one, lose some trend.
But I'm totally savoring the moment. That was a goooood game!
to make the playoffs we need to win 29 games. Maybe DW can trade for the entire SJS or Bruins
Great game by the Thrashers. The penalty kill was impressive, especially during the four minute double minor. What the hell was Boulton thinking? When you are up 4-0 on a team, there is no reason to fight and possibly stir them up. Just stupid. That goal by Slater was absolutely SICK. Great move. It was nice to see Kovy on the PK. Like the announcers said, it makes sense to have your best/fastest skater out there. Florida, Ottawa, Toronto, and Nashville coming up will hopefully mean a nice win streak. Probably not, but it's nice to dream...
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