I enthusiastically agree with this demand, but I'd also like to extend it. My proposal: sign the Kariya/Selanne duo AND bring back former Thrashers center Steve Rucchin, who centered those two great wingers on the Mighty Ducks of Disneyland back when they were all in their prime. Rucchin never formally retired; he's still listed as an "unrestricted free agent" (at least by the Wikipedia robots) and he doesn't seem to have ever run off to foreign lands to make mega-rubles.
We all have fond memories of Steve Rucchin from the glorious 06-07 season, right? Do it, Dudley. You know you want to.
The re-united Kariya-Rucchin-Selanne line will school and inspire our young folk, which we imagine will look like this:
Thanks a lot Morty! I feel seventeen times gayer than 3 mins ago for having watched that. So now I guess I'm roughly 17/8 gay or 2.5 times my normal gayness.
Time to get my nails done!!
And after getting your nails done you'll feel more Vietnamese than usual! Not sure what the exact mathematical fraction would be, but it will happen, I assure you.
True story: our own Monsieur Catalogues once got his nails done (but not by choice). He said it was rather pleasant.
Mani or pedi?
Awesome. I guess I'll get my body man-scaped while I'm at it! Just so I can say I'm in the same realm as Monsieur French Cats.
Mani, apparently.
Surely Rucchin's interest in owning multiple nail salons in the greater Atlanta area would supplant any interest in playing with potentially two Hall of Famers and carrying Los Thrashos to Cup de Stanley glory.
MoPeazy--Spoke with Man City's chief owner, who promised to bid approximately 750 million dollars to purchase Ilya Kovalchuk and take him to Manchester. Guess the idea of buying the Thrashers got lost in translation.
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