Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Your 2010-11 Blueland Chronicle Fantasy League is OPEN

(UPDATE: Because your TBC editor is a moron, he didn't realize you can actually CHANGE the league settings so that there can be more than 12 maximum teams. So if you're one of our beloved regular commenters---Jointhead, H, you kids in?---and have seen that the league is filled, DON'T PANIC. I've changed the maximum to 15 teams. If there's somehow even more interest than that, we'll up it again. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE, ETC.)

(ALSO: We'll try to figure out a reasonable draft time that works for everybody Very Soon.)

First, click.

If you don't have a Yahoo account of any kind, obviously you'll have to create one.

When you get to the part where the webpage demands "League ID" and "Password," here's what you need to type:

League ID: 28670

Password: hellowookies

From there it should be easy to create/name your team, etc. The official URL for our league is

Hooray! If you have problems let us know in the comments section.


Big Shooter said...

I have lots of problems. First, my mother never loved me. I'm an alcoholic. It's very difficult being the smartest person in the world AND the most attractive. People rarely see you for who you are, a smart sexy beast. Though I suppose we all have our own cross to bear.

Thanks, Morty. It does feel good to get a few things off my chest...

Mortimer Peacock said...

There's actually a good advice columnist you can ask about that sort of problem. Try your editor's editor at "Ask Ken Layne." Good advice:

Mortimer Peacock said...

P.S. I, also, am an alcoholic. And I think it was my great aunt Shirley that never loved me.

Big Shooter said...

Well, would you look at that... she got one right by the road.

swegs said...

its full BAH!

Big Shooter said...

Swegs, I will personally check with our editor to see if there is anyway to add another spot for you. E-mail us your,uh, e-mail address at so we can notify you of when the spot opens up. As you were the only worthy opponent last year.

It's the only way.

Big Shooter said...

And just like that, Morty has spoken and says you are in. Just give us your e-mail and await further instruction.

Mortimer Peacock said...


OH, for some reason I thought you were already in. I've now made room for you. Join away!

swegs said...

thank you good sirs